To support meditators along their chosen path, Tergar Canada hosts public talks, seminars, retreats, regular group meditation sessions, and other events. Tergar Canada events are meant to educate and inspire Canadians to cultivate awareness, compassion, and wisdom through the practice of meditation. Our programs and events may feature invited guest speakers, or be led by Tergar International instructors, Tergar Canada Facilitators, or Tergar Canada Practice Leaders.
Tergar Canada communities hold regular meditation groups that provide a thorough course of training in the fundamentals of meditation practice. Based on Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche’s two books, The Joy of Living and Joyful Wisdom, our groups use guided meditations, discussion, and daily meditation exercises to explore the cultivation of awareness, compassion, and insight – the cornerstones of spiritual practice. If you are new to meditation, our regular meditation groups offer a gentle immersion into the world of mindfulness. If you are following our Joy of Living or Path of Liberation programs, these groups provide a wonderful opportunity to deepen your experience of the core elements of the spiritual path.

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche teachings in Toronto, Canada
May 23 thru June 1, 2025
We are very excited that Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche will be offering in-person teachings in Toronto! Registration will open early 2025, via links coming in future emails.
Teachings will include:
Evening public talks – May 23 & May 30
Anytime, Anywhere Meditation (everyone welcome) – 2 days, May 31 thru June 1
Path of Liberation 1 & 2 – (pre-requisites below*) - 5 days, May 24 thru 28
Anytime, Anywhere Meditation (AAM) is open to everyone. For more information on AAM click HERE.
* Path of Liberation (POL) program overview can be found HERE. Additional resources are HERE.
These are the requirements for participation:
Option 1: To have attended all three Joy of Living levels — Calming the Mind (Level 1), Opening the Heart (Level 2), and Awakening Wisdom (Level 3) — and completed the associated practice requirements
Option 2: To have completed the full preliminary practices (the 4 x 100,000 ngondro)
Option 3: To have had a daily meditation practice for at least five years and attended either group or solitary practice retreats for a total of at least thirty days, with 6+ hours of formal meditation practice per day, under the guidance of a Buddhist teacher
The requirements for participation were set in consultation with Mingyur Rinpoche. In turn, we ask that you honor them. Thank you!
Teachings will be in English with translation into French and Chinese. Translation from English to Tibetan is being considered.
The venue will be Novotel Hotel Toronto North York. A special rate for rooms will be made available when registration opens early 2025.
Questions? Contact:
Save the dates so you can join us! We look forward to seeing you there.
We invite you to share notice of these exciting events with anyone who might be interested!